Getting to Know Your NSPN Family: What is one of your favorite, and one of your least favorite, Thanksgiving dishes?
Thanksgiving is right around the corner, which means it’s time to put on your loose pants, eat a feast and be grateful for all the different blessings in your life! Although our traditions may differ from family to family, Thanksgiving is often about sharing a meal together. For the month of thankfulness, we wanted to know: what is one of your favorite, and one of your least favorite, dishes?
I love anything with whole cranberries or sweet potatoes in it. Sometimes I find myself at a Thanksgiving table that offers hard core, from scratch, baked mac and cheese, which is so good it makes my eyes roll back in my head! Dressing/stuffing (between which I still do not understand the difference) don’t really do much for me. But the most important part of any Thanksgiving meal with my in-laws is a half and half dessert plate of my late mother-in-law’s legacy specialties – exceptionally delicious fudge brownies and authentic chess pie! - Shauna Brooks, Performance and Evaluation Specialist
My most favorite Thanksgiving dish is a hard pic but here we go… hands down, Candied Yams or Sweet Potato Casserole topped with lots of gooey marshmallows and pecans! Desert was my mother’s cast iron skillet baked upside-down pineapple cake with the crunchy edges, omg. My least favorite requires absolutely no thought, it’s Chitterlings, or like some folks like to say, ‘chitlins’. As a child I would have to stay at my grandmother’s home when my mom cooked them because I would get sick even in my sleep. - April Carthorn, NSPN Membership Manager & T/TA
My favorite Thanksgiving dish is the homemade dressing and gravy. My least favorite is sweet potatoes, but sometimes I love them depending on how they’re made. - Susan Harmon, Director of Safe Place National Operations
It should come as no surprise to anyone who knows me – dessert is the most fabulous part of the meal. I will strategically move the green bean casserole and cranberry sauce around on my plate until sufficient time has passed to warrant the pie. I feel so blessed to have the resources to celebrate the holiday with food and family. I don’t have a least favorite because I am happy to have all that I have. - Tammy Hopper, Chief Strategic Initiatives Officer, RHYTTAC Director
I am not a stuffing/dressing fan so it would be my least favorite. While I love desserts, I rarely eat mashed potatoes so I take the opportunity at Thanksgiving to eat mashed potatoes and gravy. And – I love food so the whole dinner is excellent! - Laurie Jackson, President/CEO
My favorite Thanksgiving dish is dressing – not just any ol’ dressing; it has to be momma’s dressing! My least favorite Thanksgiving dish is salad… who eats salad for Thanksgiving (unless it’s Waldorf salad)? - Elizabeth Smith Miller, Director of Marketing & Events
I love turkey. I'm a huge turkey person and my mom has nailed down her recipe over the past couple of years. I also love mashed potatoes. This is the first Thanksgiving without my grandma, and she always made sure that there were plenty of mashed potatoes on the table for me. I hope someone else looks out for me like she did. As far as least favorite foods go, I'm not a fan of pumpkin pie. Never have been, never will be. - Autumn Sandlin, Communications Manager
Favorite Thanksgiving dish besides turkey is green bean casserole. Least favorite besides stuffing is candied yams. - Eric Tadatada, Technical Assistance Specialist