Professional Coaching

Whether you have been working in the field of youth and family services for one day or 10 years, connecting with an external, objective professional coach may be just the support needed to help you achieve your professional goals. NSPN offers individualized support exclusively to individual and organizational members.

Upon requesting professional coaching, you will receive a link to questions about your needs and tentative goals. NSPN will then assign a coach who will contact you to arrange a series of consultations built on an agreed upon schedule. 

Examples of areas of consultation focus include:

  • Finding your voice as a new manager
  • Learning to address staff conflict
  • Incorporating strengths into your leadership style
  • Decreasing reactivity to feedback

NSPN members have exclusive access to this service. Costs include consultant time, preparation time, and links to resources. Cost - $300 (covers 6 weeks)

Members may order this service here.

If you are not a member and would like to learn more or join, please click here


Diverse group of people standing with technology tools (i.e. tablets, phones)