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BCP Funding Opportunity Weekly Support Call
Friday, May 17, 2024, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM EST
Category: Events

BCP Funding Opportunity Weekly Support Call

National Safe Place Network (NSPN) is pleased to share the release of the 2024 Runaway and Homeless Youth (RHY) Basic Center Program (BCP) notice of funding opportunity (NOFO). All applications must be received by 11:59 p.m. EDT on June 7, 2024. This funding opportunity is for a 36-month project period with three 12-month budget cycles. 

The Basic Center Program (BCP) provides temporary shelter and counseling services to youth who have left home without permission of their parents or guardians, have been forced to leave home, or other homeless youth who might otherwise end up in the law enforcement or in the child welfare, mental health, or juvenile justice systems. BCPs work to establish or strengthen community-based programs that meet the immediate needs of runaway and homeless youth and their families. BCP award recipients provide youth under 18 years of age with emergency shelter, food, clothing, counseling and referrals for health care. BCP award recipients can provide up to 21 days of shelter for youth and seeks to reunite young people with their families, whenever possible, or to locate appropriate alternative placements. Additional services may include: street-based services; home-based services for families with youth at risk of separation from the family; drug abuse education and prevention services; and at the request of runaway and homeless youth, testing for sexually transmitted diseases.

Funding opportunity number: HHS-2024-ACF-ACYF-CY-0133 
Estimated amount available: $18,000,000 
Estimated number of awards: 72
Application due date: June 7, 2024

NSPN is here to help.

Grant support services are available exclusively to all NSPN organizational members. Members utilizing grant support services will have access to:

  • Recorded webinars breaking down details of each NOFO. The webinar series will be posted to The Destination for Online Training (DOT) on Monday, April 22nd.  
  • Weekly support calls with a nationally-recognized grants professional and other NSPN members to address questions or responses regarding the NOFO. Weekly support calls for BCP proposals will begin on Friday, April 12, 2024 at 1:00 p.m. EDT. Call-in information will be available on the NSPN Support Center. 
  • Unlimited individual consultation for you and your development team regarding your application.
  • Professional review of your completed draft and, when time permits, based on submission deadline, a second review upon completion of edits.
  • Consultation regarding the comments you receive post-funding announcement.
Sign up for support today.